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Main Projects

Biomodel medical image based. The aim of this project is help medical innovation teams to test new technologies, products and procedures through 3D technologies.


This project is part of Ana Paula's PhD. It is being develop in partnership of UEMG (State University of Minas Gerais) and U of M (University of Michigan - C.S. Mott Children's Hospital). 

The image is about surgical simulation to test a new external fixation where the movements of the device are planned by software. Current project.


Biomodel Design > Pediatric Simulation

Noeh emerged from a Master degree study about how toddler's feet develop while learning to walk and how different surfaces interfere with it. Bearing in mind that the best thing for toddlers is to walk barefoot on natural ground, we developed a biommimetic product that simulates the natural materials which replicate walking barefoot.

This project was contemplated with bay the Award Sesi Senai of Innovation by 150.000 (brazilian currency) in 2015 to put this new technology on the market. It has two patent and one PTC.

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Product Design > Infant development 

Naná is an intelligent system projected to get informations about the baby's sleep and behavior and send these information to the mother in a sensorial way when necessary.

The aim is to leave the mother-baby binomial secure on the sleep time respecting the differences that exist between the infant and adult's sleep cycle and to calm down the anxiety present when the baby and mother aren't in the same place.

This project resulted of Hackathon Natura MIT Media Lab. 2014.


Product Design > Infant development 

Co-created baby shoes: pattern family inspired. For each baby one pattern hand painted developed with the family.

In Brazil, there is a tradition for choose a baby shoe to keep this for a lifetime. It represents the arrival of the child in the family.  This project have a propose to be the baby shoe that would be saved by the affect relation of the family with the design experience.

This project was choose as one of the most innovators products designed in Brazil between 2011 - 2015 by the Brazilian Design Book. 2013.


Product Design > Emocional Design 

Passaredo is a set of a women shoe's pieces with some heights and a lot of models for that customer can custom your own product and self assemble it in your house. 

This project optimizes the stock, the logistics,= and the production besides putting the customer as a stylist of your own product and yet do your own design shoe collection.

This project was a final work of the Máster Degree in the University of Barcelona co-entitled with European Institute of Design, Spain. 2011.


Product Design > Custom "lego" Shoes 

Passaredo is a set of a women shoe's pieces with some heights and a lot of models for that customer can custom your own product and self assemble it in your house. 

This project optimizes the stock, the logistics,= and the production besides putting the customer as a stylist of your own product and yet do your own design shoe collection.

This project was a final work of the Máster Degree in the University of Barcelona co-entitled with European Institute of Design, Spain. 2011.


Product Design > Custom "lego" Shoes 

Respingos was a theater Spectacle proposed as a final degree work in Fashion Design.

This project was a result of a research about Brazilians backwood's craftswomen ("Sertão" of Brazil). These women sing while working with cotton, they sing to share your feelings and desires.

The research mentioned was the base to create the spectacle. The aim of this project was to show the majesty of this women's labor for wellbeing of them and of their region and, consequently, increase the value of women's work increasing the local economy too. 2010.

This project was sponsored by State of Minas Gerais, Brasil, with a totally of R$92.000,00.


Product Design > Costume and scenery design 


Since 2012, we have been worked in this incredible environment to connect the academic research to market.

Anamê is a Design Institute and Noeh is a Baby Shoes Industry. 

In our way we had funding more than R$ 300.000,00 (Brazilian currency). We participate of some of programs like accelerators, hackathons, internationalizations, we won competitions and many times we were news in journals, TV and magazines.

Welcome to Anamê and Noeh worlds!





Designer PhD of State University of Minas Gerais, Pediatric Device Innovation fellow of University of Michigan / C.S. Mott Children's Hospital. MSc in Shoe Design and Accessories by University of Barcelona/European Institute of Design. MSC in Design, Sustainability and Innovation by State University of Minas Gerais. Fashion Design graduate degree by Fumec University. 

Designer Researcher at Anamê and Noeh.



Languages: Portuguese, Spanish, English

+ 55 (31) 98322.0440  - + 55 (31) 4042.0449

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